9 Common Rose-Growing Mistakes to Avoid


Common Mistakes When Growing Roses

When you think of roses, you might imagine a garden full of velvety, dew-covered blooms straight out of a magazine. But that dream can quickly turn into frustration when the roses you’re growing don’t quite measure up. Here’s the good news: with a few adjustments during planting and care, you can achieve picture-perfect roses. The first step? Let go of any fear of mistakes or getting pricked, and start providing the care your roses need. From there, watch out for these nine common mistakes when growing roses.

01 of 09

Choosing the Wrong Location

Pink roses planted in garden bed
Hetherington & Associates

Roses come in many varieties, from large ramblers to small shrubs, so it’s important to read the label before purchasing. A naturally large rose might struggle if it’s constantly pruned to fit in a small space. Similarly, a rose that requires full sun won’t do well in the shade. Plant your rose in a location that allows it to thrive and meet its needs. Trust us, both you and the plant will be much happier!

02 of 09

Skipping Soil Amendments

Hands holding organic material for soil
Marty Baldwin

Even with the perfect spot for your rose, it’s important to improve the soil for optimal growth. Dig a hole about two feet wide and deep, then mix in some manure or organic compost. If you have heavy clay soil, loosen the ground an extra foot and add ground bark or coir to improve drainage and texture. This will provide the ideal environment for your rose to thrive.

03 of 09

Not Accounting for Wildlife

Not Accounting for Wildlife
Karla Conrad

While it might seem like deer would avoid thorns, young rose stems, leaves, and blooms are actually some of their favorite treats. If you have a lot of roses, installing a tall fence may be the best solution. However, for smaller rose gardens and deer populations, odor-based repellents can be an effective way to deter them and keep them from snacking on your plants.

04 of 09

Skimping on Water

Skimping on Water
Jason Donnelly

Roses generally love water but don’t tolerate soggy roots. To get the most blooms, water your roses at least once a week, especially during dry spells. You can use a hose, watering can, or drip irrigation system, but avoid wetting the leaves. Wet leaves can lead to diseases that cause leaf drop, and this can divert the plant’s energy from flowering. While not fatal, this can reduce the number of blooms.

05 of 09

Delaying Deadheading

Delaying Deadheading
Jason Donnelly

Deadheading your rose bushes helps encourage new blooms and keeps them looking tidy. Since most roses bloom repeatedly from spring to fall, deadheading can become a regular task. To make it easier, simply twist off spent flowers by hand whenever you pass the bush. If the blooms are too dense to remove individually, use hedge shears to trim the entire plant back a few inches after most flowers have faded. New buds will start to appear in a couple of weeks.

06 of 09

Putting Off Pruning

Putting Off Pruning
Jason Donnelly

Pruning is a more extensive cleanup than deadheading and helps reshape the entire plant, promoting healthy new growth. It’s typically done once a year, usually in spring. To avoid getting pricked by thorns, use telescoping pruners, tongs, and a makeshift cardboard dustpan to gather and dispose of clippings.

07 of 09

Going Overboard with Pest Control

Putting Off Pruning
Blaine Moats

Many roses attract butterflies, bees, and other beneficial pollinators. While some insects feed on roses, they typically cause minimal damage, so it’s not always necessary to treat them, as doing so could harm the pollinators. If the damage becomes significant, consider using less toxic organic pest control methods, like insecticidal soap or neem oil, to address the issue.

08 of 09

Not Providing Enough Fertilizer

Not Providing Enough Fertilizer
Lark Smothermon

To encourage the best blooms from your roses, apply fertilizer after the last spring frost and again after the first bloom. You can continue to fertilize monthly until September. However, avoid fertilizing too late in the season, as it can cause the plant to keep growing and attempting to bloom when it should be going dormant for the winter.

09 of 09

Not Removing Plants with Rose Rosette Disease

Not Removing Plants with Rose Rosette Disease
Denny Schrock

If you notice unusual growth in your rose, it may be a sign of Rose Rosette Disease (RRD), the most serious rose-related illness. Visit roserosette.org to check if it’s in your area and upload a photo for an expert opinion. Alternatively, contact your local extension office. If RRD is confirmed, immediately remove the affected rose and dispose of it in the trash, not in your compost bin or yard waste, to prevent further spread.

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