Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix
Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix
Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix
Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix
Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix
Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix
Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix
Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix

Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix

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About Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix

As known as Drummond's Phlox.

Garden Phlox Mix, Phlox paniculata, is an erect herbaceous perennial that typically grows two to four feet tall and forms clumps. Its flowers come in various vibrant hues and bloom from mid-summer to mid-fall. With low to mid-height five-petal blooms that emit a lovely fragrance, this selection is perfect for bouquets and borders. It mixes well with other perennials, attracts hummingbirds, and is an excellent choice for a bird garden.


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Planting Garden Phlox Seeds - Mix

When to Plant Phlox Seeds

Plant Garden Phlox Mix seeds directly outdoors in late fall or spring. For earlier blooms, start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before transplanting.

Where to Plant Phlox Seeds

Phlox thrives in full sun or partial shade and prefers fertile, well-drained soil. While it grows best in sandy, fertile soil, it can adapt to various well-drained soils, including alkaline substrates. Phlox is excellent for rock gardens, containers, and ground cover.

How to Plant Phlox Seeds

If you're starting indoors, just gently press Phlox seeds into the soil—don't cover them up. They'll sprout within 7-21 days. If planting directly outside, scatter seeds evenly in a prepared bed and lightly rake them into loosened soil. Keep the seeds moist until they sprout. Space the plants about 10 inches apart.

How to Care for Phlox

Let Phlox re-seed for abundant blooms next year. Trim back the plant after the first flush of blooms to encourage a second round of flowers.