Maltese Cross Seeds
Maltese Cross Seeds
Maltese Cross Seeds
Maltese Cross Seeds
Maltese Cross Seeds
Maltese Cross Seeds
Maltese Cross Seeds
Maltese Cross Seeds

Maltese Cross Seeds

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About Maltese Cross

As known as Scarlet Lychnis, Jerusalem Cross, Knight's Cross, Scarlet Lightning.

A distinctive perennial wildflower, Maltese Cross (also known as Dusty Salmon, Nonesuch, or Jerusalem Cross depending on your region) produces clusters of rose-colored flowers on tall stems. Thriving in full sun, expect Maltese Cross to bloom from summer into fall.


Heirloom Seed

Planting Maltese Cross

When to Plant Maltese Cross Seeds

Maltese Cross seeds can be sown directly in late Fall, post the first killing frost. Alternatively, for cooler climates, start outdoors in Spring, 6-8 weeks before the final frost date, or indoors after a cold stratification period.

Where to Plant Maltese Cross Seeds

Maltese Cross thrives best in bright, full sun conditions. While it can tolerate partial shade, it may become spindly and leggy. This perennial prefers loose, rich, well-draining soil that tends to be somewhat dry. Wet soil can be detrimental, increasing the risk of failure.

How to Plant Maltese Cross Seeds

Maltese Cross seeds require light for germination, so avoid covering them when planting.

Directly sow Maltese Cross seeds onto the soil surface, pressing them firmly but without covering them, as they need sunlight for germination. In regions with mild winters, cold stratify seeds for 2-3 weeks before sowing.

How to Care for Maltese Cross

Keep the area around your Maltese Cross well-weeded. Once established, this plant requires minimal care. You can deadhead spent flowers for continuous blooms or leave the spent flower heads for natural reseeding. In the fall, cut down the dead growth and remove debris; Maltese Cross will return the next season.